So I often find myself asking, what exactly is the distinction between a silly straw and a crazy straw? Some might say they're the same, but some might be dumb. They might also be stupid. Anyone that really sucks knows there's a difference between the two, subtle though it may be. Really it's kind of a gut feeling, an ethereal sensation that's either silly or crazy.

Look at these straws. They seem pretty silly to me. I think they might be silly straws. But then again, now that I think about it, drinking with these means I'm drinking liquid through a bird wearing a green vest. That's nuts. Crazy even. I'd go as far to say that it's ~*cRaZy*. I mean, where would this bird know to get a sleeveless white shirt to wear underneath it's vest that came from straw knows where. Then look at it's freakish neck. Every time I bent the straw I'd think I was twisting chicken vertebrae, and I don't wanna live through that again. Could I catch Avian Bird Flu? And is it Silly or Crazy? I don't think I'll know until the chemical tests come back or I drink with one of these myself. Anyway, seeing that straw run through the bottom of that duck and out of it's dome reminds me of my post about bodies as straws. And on that same thought...

How about a tall, cool glass of cock? Or if you're not into that, you could get into this.

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