Continuing with reviewing straws made of alternative sources, I decided to review one of the glass straws available from strawesome, which I had previously mentioned here. Starting with positive things, this is the woman that makes strawesome straws.

Look at those faces. I would definitely buy a bent glass tube from this lady...if that's what baby wants me to do. Is baby satisfied? Good. Moving on. If you read my first post about strawesome, you would know my initial reaction was 'why make straws out of glass instead plastic or things I found underneath other people's beds?' Well, apparently they have BPAs in them, and those can cause birth defects and cancerous shit. Fecal tumors. Bad stuff. Also, glass straws are lighter on the environment as far as using resources to make them. However, I would like to note that Oreo straws are green as can be. According to their website reusable straws can help you lose weight? Oreo straws will probably not depending on your reuse to ingestion ratio. The most impressive part about Strawesome is probably their guarantee policy. Each straw comes with a lifetime guarantee against accidental breakage! That could be until you die! That's like forever or 15 days as far you're concerned...
These also feel better than the metal straw I tried.

Yes, they will withhold ginger ale abuse, as long as it's below the neck. I believe this is the straw I ordered. My only real quarrel with this straw is the geometry. The straw I got didn't look like the one pictured, apart from it being glass. The angle was much more sever, about 55 degrees I would say, and I did take AP Bio. It was also too short. I found myself holding the glass up my chin in order to drink out of it, and then I got lost in the shimmer of my juice and that lasted for hours and I wasted a whole day on one straw review. These straws do come in multiple sizes though, so I would recommend getting a longer one if you decide to try this out. They also come in different colors and with zany little decorations, which fucking rock if you're a mom or you find that crate and barrel is really in tune with your aesthetic. But overall, I would say this is pretty cool, and that these straws are blown and then sucked.
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